We on the Lake Saimaa – Photos from the waters and forests

A photo exhibition by Teijo Nikkanen and Tuija Aronen represents a boater’s life and hiking in the forests of Lake Saimaa’s islands.

52 photos presented in the exhibition cover 15 years of the couple’s boat trips. The exhibition provides a feeling of freedom from everyday obligations and respect for Lake Saimaa’s unique nature. The experiences of nature reflected in the images range from surviving a thunderstorm to meditative moments on a paddle board.

The exhibition is on display in Lusto’s lobby, free access.

Most of the photos have been taken on the waters close to Punkaharju, the Lake Pihlajavesi and the Lake Puruvesi. There are also several photos from the Lakes Haukivesi, Luonteri and Joutenvesi.

Auringonlasku järvimaisemassa, etualalla valkoinen vene rannassa.