
16 / 13 / 8 €
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Lustontie 1, Punkaharju
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015 345 100
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The Finnish Forest Museum Lusto

The Finnish Forest Museum Lusto offers surprising insights and different perspectives of forests for all ages. The national museum responsible for forest culture is located in Punkaharju, in the midst of the most beautiful landscape of ridges and lakes in Eastern Finland.

Brand new conference services

Lusto’s conference services have been renewed in 2024.

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The Land of Forestsulnes

The Land of Forestfulness sheds light on the forest and forest culture from six perspectives.

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Lusto is located in Punkaharju, Savonlinna, along the Savonlinna-Parikkala Road 14 and the Savonlinna-Parikkala railway line.

Directions and public transport

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