The Land of Forestfulness

In Finland, the forest is present everywhere. It is our most important and diverse natural environment and resource. Here, the forest has always had a strong impact on people, communities and society – and we, in turn, on the forest. The forest has been simultaneously a lifeblood, an important place and a shared mental landscape. Forest culture consists of shared perceptions, meanings, practices, and ways related to the forest – multi-dimensional human-forest relationships. Forest culture lives on and evolves over time. It is precisely the change that makes it vibrant.

The Land of Forestfulness

The Land of Forestfulness sheds light on the forest and forest culture from six perspectives. Forest nature highlights the forest as a complex ecosystem that functions without people. Green gold examines the forest as a raw material reserve for humans. Lifeblood tells the story of the mental well-being and health that the forest provides to people, without forgetting its economic value or the well-being of the forests themselves. Forest folk describes the significance of the forest in shaping Finnishness and identity. Valued forest initiates a discussion on values. What does the forest mean to us and other species? Forest work reveals the forest-related work, forestry professions and forestry.

Special exhibition


What is the forest in the context of contemporary jewellery? Is it material, colours or textures, emotions, words, experiences?

KORU8 is an international jewellery art exhibition held for the eighth time. The exhibition presents a wide range of international contemporary jewellery art. The exhibition is organised by the Finnish Jewellery Art Association.

KORU8 exhibition features 47 artists/artist groups from over 20 different countries. The exhibition had a global call for entries on the theme “Into the woods”, and the jury selected the overall presentation from among 450 applications.

The exhibition is on display in Lusto from May 17th to December 1st, 2024.


Guided tours

Our guided exhibition tours help you to immerse yourself in Lusto’s exhibitions and the fascinating world of forest stories.

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Lusto events

Lusto events and work demonstrations explain man’s relationship with the forest and the environment to visitors. Events that focus on all things related to forests offer visitors interested in forest culture an opportunity to spend time together while learning new skills.

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